Dwell Prayer Journals
Do you feel lost when you sit down to read your Bible? Like you know it's important to have a quiet time, but you have no idea what to do after you check off the daily reading? Or maybe you're just looking for a way to be more intentional in your daily time in the Word.
If so, you're not alone. Over the past few years, I've learned that there's a lot of women out there yearning for deeper intimacy with God, but practically speaking, they just don't know what to do to get there.
In 2015, I was a mom with two young children struggling to spend time in scripture every day. Full disclosure here: I was raised in church and even went to seminary to study theology after college. When I graduated, I began writing Sunday school curriculum full time, so I felt like I, of all people, should know what I was doing.
But none of that seemed to help. I was overwhelmed with life and responsibilities every second of every day, and reading the Bible was just one more thing to check off of my long list of things to do. When I sat down for my quiet time, I found myself staring blankly into space. Reading a passage of scripture but not remembering what it said by the time I got to the end. Starting to pray but ending up composing a grocery list halfway through.
Something had to give. I needed something to help me stay focused and on track. A simple tool to prompt me not just to read the Bible but to meditate on it, apply it to my life, and pray over it. Not just so I could cross a daily quiet time off my list, but so that I could sit still for just a little while in the presence of the Lord. So I could look beyond the reality of my daily life and draw near to him once more.
That, in short, is why I created the Dwell Journal. It's a practical tool to lead you through your quiet time and help you dwell on the things that matter most. Each daily entry uses a simple three step approach to help you read the Bible intentionally and make the most of the precious time you give to Bible study.
The Dwell Journal Method
- Read the Word. Your journal is meant to be a companion to your daily Bible reading. First, read a bit of scripture and jot down some notes, your initial impressions of the passage, or a verse that stood out.
- Reflect on Truth. Take some time to dwell on what you read. Sit and soak in truth for a few minutes. What does the passage reveal about God's character? And how does what you're learning about God affect your life? Are you challenged or convicted, reminded or encouraged? Take note of those things and write them down.
- Respond in Prayer. In light of what you've read and reflected on, spend some time in prayer. Thank God for revealing himself to you through his word. Ask him to impress it on your heart and change you from the inside out. Lift it all up to the Lord and commit the details of your day to him before you finish up and get on with daily life.
And that's it. The method is a simple but effective way for you to read, reflect, and respond to the Word. It's not overwhelming or complicated, but it works. It's my hope and prayer that as you dwell on the Word each day, that the Word would also dwell richly in you, and you would walk away forever changed.
I'm praying for you and cheering you on as you cultivate faithfulness each day! Feel free to reach out if you have questions or just want to chat!
Until next time, grace and peace.