Holy Fear
Leslie Ann Jones
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." Proverbs 9:10
Sometimes, in our pursuit of loving Jesus and walking with him, we forget that he is the Lord of heaven and earth. If we're to be modern day God-fearing women, we must learn to embrace both. He is our savior who loves us immensely and gives grace without measure, but he is also the Lord of hosts who commands angel armies and executes justice.
It is right to fear him.
But what does that mean? Should the thought of God Almighty leave us quaking in our boots? Should we be terrified of Him? Or does it mean something else?
Jen Wilkin says this: "Worshipful reverence and awe, not cowering dread, define a right fear of the Lord."
Let's start there, ladies. Let's remember the fullness of who God is and bow before him in worshipful reverence and holy awe today. It's the wise thing to do.
Sometimes, in our pursuit of loving Jesus and walking with him, we forget that he is the Lord of heaven and earth. If we're to be modern day God-fearing women, we must learn to embrace both. He is our savior who loves us immensely and gives grace without measure, but he is also the Lord of hosts who commands angel armies and executes justice.
It is right to fear him.
But what does that mean? Should the thought of God Almighty leave us quaking in our boots? Should we be terrified of Him? Or does it mean something else?
Jen Wilkin says this: "Worshipful reverence and awe, not cowering dread, define a right fear of the Lord."
Let's start there, ladies. Let's remember the fullness of who God is and bow before him in worshipful reverence and holy awe today. It's the wise thing to do.