Free Indeed
Leslie Ann Jones
Hello Friend!
How are you? I started writing this at least three days ago (I forget how many it's been now), but I'm just now getting a quiet moment alone to sit down and finish it. Life in the summer as a working-from-home mom is challenging at times, but it's worth it. At least that's what I keep telling myself as my "productive" hours slip into nothingness each day. The struggle is real, y'all.
Please tell me I'm not alone in this.
Anyway, when I last wrote, I was gearing up for Mississippi Market, which went really well! We launched lots of new products (including our kids' line, tote bags, and apparel) met lots of great people with wonderful shops all across the Southeast, and as a result, you can now find Muscadine Press products scattered across Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia. If you know of a shop that would be a good fit for us, please let me know! Just leave a comment below with contact details, and I'll be happy to reach out to them.
It's hard to believe that summer is halfway over and the Fourth of July has already arrived. We always celebrate the Fourth with friends and family at the church my husband grew up in. Each year, you can find us at a little country church watching turtles race (true story), catching up with people we haven't seen in ages, frying catfish, and vying for a scoop of homemade Butterfinger ice cream.
It's truly the best.
We've made so many sweet memories celebrating freedom with our people over the years, but it's not only our freedom as Americans that's cause for celebration. If you are in Christ, you are truly free, and nothing in this world can change that.
This year, as I flipped my planner from June to July, I just couldn't seem to get Hillsong's song "Who You Say I Am" out of my head. It speaks to my soul, y'all. I'll unashamedly crank up the volume, ignore my children for just a few minutes, and sing at the top of my lungs every single time it comes on the radio. It's truth that needs proclaiming and a gospel that needs preaching. We are free indeed because Jesus has set us free, and we are who he says we are. Chosen. Not forsaken. Children of God. Beloved. Cherished. Redeemed.
In the gospel of John, Jesus says that Truth sets people free, and on this Independence Day, I'm claiming the truth of my complete and utter dependence on the One who has set us free and prepared a place for us at home in heaven. Amen and amen.
Until next time, grace and peace.